Sunday, July 17, 2011


Posted by FridayMunchies at 10:19 AM
I was searching up my blog on google a few minutes ago and I came across something very suspicious.  I found that my latest post titled "trip to vietnam + shoe haul" has been posted on a website called broken controllers only moments after it had been posted.  I found it odd that their was a download file for it so I did a little bit of research on the website and this is what I found.

This blogger has listed details of the website and I'm really shocked.  This a warning to all bloggers and readers out there to be careful!


I emailed the admin last night and I got a reply 6 minutes later that the post had been removed.  I searched my blog up on google again and found the same post plus another pop up.  Not to worry!  I clicked on both and both were removed =)  I think they get many removal request so they send a generic message to anyone who emails them.  They have so many other fish to fry that they don't care that one or two bloggers email them once in a while.  I don't think it matters how you tell them to remove any contents pertaining to your blog;  they will comply promptly. 

I'm going to add a little tid bit here:
When I found out about this site, I was surprised to find myself on it, but I didn't really think much of it.  I was very calm and polite when writing my email.  I here that other bloggers who found out about there site wrote them angry and emotional emails.  I don't see the point of getting so emotional.  It's not like they will be touched by your anger and close down their site.

  The internet is such a dangerous and complicated place.


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Sunday, July 17, 2011


I was searching up my blog on google a few minutes ago and I came across something very suspicious.  I found that my latest post titled "trip to vietnam + shoe haul" has been posted on a website called broken controllers only moments after it had been posted.  I found it odd that their was a download file for it so I did a little bit of research on the website and this is what I found.

This blogger has listed details of the website and I'm really shocked.  This a warning to all bloggers and readers out there to be careful!


I emailed the admin last night and I got a reply 6 minutes later that the post had been removed.  I searched my blog up on google again and found the same post plus another pop up.  Not to worry!  I clicked on both and both were removed =)  I think they get many removal request so they send a generic message to anyone who emails them.  They have so many other fish to fry that they don't care that one or two bloggers email them once in a while.  I don't think it matters how you tell them to remove any contents pertaining to your blog;  they will comply promptly. 

I'm going to add a little tid bit here:
When I found out about this site, I was surprised to find myself on it, but I didn't really think much of it.  I was very calm and polite when writing my email.  I here that other bloggers who found out about there site wrote them angry and emotional emails.  I don't see the point of getting so emotional.  It's not like they will be touched by your anger and close down their site.

  The internet is such a dangerous and complicated place.


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